Tasteful Thickness at ArtLacuna, 2016

Digital green screen fabric on wood (Unfinished), Dimensions Variable, 2016
Therefore, many of the gaps are in fact recommendations as to where there is scope to do more to reduce a particular
Oil on canvas (screenshots taken from an unloaded Google image search of Plasterboard), 70x100cm each, 2016

Look at that subtle off-white coloring
Digital print on wallpaper, 300x240cm, 2016
Kindly supported by Bees & Honey

Self Portrait (after Leonhard Euler)
Oil on Linen, 25x29.5cm, 2016
Painted by Ruozhe Xue
Digital green screen fabric on wood (Unfinished),
Dimensions Variable, 2016

Therefore, many of the gaps are in fact recommendations as to where there is scope to do more to reduce a particular
Oil on canvas (screenshots taken from an unloaded Google image search of Plasterboard), 70x100cm each, 2016

Look at that subtle off-white coloring (detail)
Digital print on wallpaper, 300x240cm, 2016
Kindly supported by Bees & Honey

Self Portrait (after Leonhard Euler)
Oil on Linen, 25x29.5cm, 2016
Painted by Ruozhe Xue

I always preferred Robert Ryman anyway
Anish Kapoor publication, white paint, bolts, 32x24x6cm, 2016

Tasteful Thickness, 2016

Oh my God, it even has a jackfruit juice mark
Reflective white fabric, Velcro, wood, jackfruit juice, Christian Bale standing in fron of the work, looking (not included), intentional pencil marks on wall behind, made to look unintentional, 200x210cm, 2016
Kindly supported by JRC Reflex

Oh my God, it even has a jackfruit juice mark (detail)
Reflective white fabric, Velcro, wood, jackfruit juice, Christian Bale standing in fron of the work, looking (not included), intentional pencil marks on wall behind, made to look unintentional, 200x210cm, 2016
Kindly supported by JRC Reflex

JRC Reflex, bees&honey
Digital print on reflective white fabric, wood, 105x210cm, 2016
Kindly supported by JRC Reflex

“Do you like Phil Collins?”
Genesis-‘ Invisible Touch’ CD inside ‘American Psycho’ DVD case, 19x14x10cm, 2016